Sensational Seafood Stew

Stews are a staple at our house when it is autumn or winter time as the weather changes to colder over Canada....I always try to make different types of stews and found this really special seafood stew from a tv cooking show by chance and changed it a little with the ingredients in my fridge and freezer.....My mother taught me a lot about various kinds of soups and stews and being a cantonese woman herself, she had learned a lot of types of soup and stews from my late grandmother too....I am glad as she had passed on her traditions in making cantonese style soups and stews to me....
We love soups and stews for many reasons when the weather is freezing like today, a good hot soup is always welcome; or when we are coming down with a cold or flu ,drinking a hot chicken or vegetable soup can help us feel better.
Sensational Seafood Stew and bread make a happy marriage,and followed by a salad and a dessert, then you have a feast for everyone....Bon Appetit !!

Sensational Seafood Stew 
Ingredients :
12 manila clams 
12 mussels 
1 lb large prawns 
8 oz white fish - cod / sole - cut into small chunks 
3 cups home made chicken stock 
3-4 bunch of cilantro leaves to garnish

1 tsp chopped flat leaf parsley 
2 shallots - chopped finely 
2 garlic - chopped finely

Method : 
Heat a stock pot at medium heat and add some olive oil into it. Fry the chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant. Then add the mussels , manila clams , white fish and large prawns  to cook for about 5 minutes . Add the chicken stock to the pot and bring to a boil. Cook for about 20 minutes and serve hot with some french bread. Bon appetit !!